Welcome to the US Professional Qualifications and Talent Management Center!

We are committed to helping individuals and businesses thrive in the US market by providing efficient professional qualification certification and talent management solutions.

Registration Process:

  1. Visit our website: Firstly, you need to visit the official website of the US Professional Qualifications and Talent Management Center. You can find detailed information and resources on the website.
  2. Create an account: On the website, you will find a registration option. Please click on that option and fill in the necessary information as instructed to create your personal account.
  3. Search for the nearest office: Based on your location, use our website or contact our customer support to search for the nearest office. Obtain contact details, address, and other information about the office.
  4. Contact the office: Get in touch with the nearest office and acquire detailed information about tuition fee payment. Follow their guidance to complete the fee payment.
  5. Confirm your information: After paying the tuition fee, carefully review your personal information to ensure accuracy.
  6. Begin your studies: Once you've paid the tuition fee and confirmed your information, you will gain access to video learning materials and downloadable resources. Actively participate in learning and prepare for the exam.
  7. Take the exam: Schedule and participate in the exam, ensuring you perform at your best during the examination.
  8. Pass the exam: Congratulations if you pass the exam! Next, we will issue relevant certificates to you.
  9. Wait for certificate issuance: Once you've passed the exam, wait for us to issue your certificate, which will be a valuable asset in your career.

Important Notes:

  • Ensure that the personal information you provide is accurate to avoid processing delays.
  • Maintain contact with the nearest office and follow their guidance for tuition fee payment.
  • Pay close attention to specific details regarding tuition fee payment and exam scheduling, and complete the necessary steps on time.
  • We encourage you to actively engage in the learning process to adequately prepare for the exam and enhance your professional skills.
  • Congratulations on passing the exam! We will promptly issue your certificate, which will be a significant asset in your career.

Thank you for choosing the US Professional Qualifications and Talent Management Center. We look forward to embarking on a successful journey with you! If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us.